Kylie took to her new home right away. Even the first night home, she wasted no time exploring all of the rooms she could find. With each passing day her comfort level has grown, both with her surroundings and with each of us. We are quite certain that she has danced, giggled, run and played outside more in the past 12 days than all of her previous three years combined. She is... we all are... having a ball getting to know each other!
The first week home was busy with doctor visits and other medical stuff. There will be more of those in the coming weeks as we plan for her cleft palate repair. That will be the first "major" procedure that she will have done, although it doesn't appear to be as extensive as we had thought. Otherwise, she seems to be doing very well from a medical perspective.
As we move forward through the next few months, communication will be our main focus. She has begun to attempt a few English words and phrases. We know she understands much more than what she can say. But, for the most part she is still "talking" to us in sign language (pointing) and grunts. It's cute to a point; but hopefully soon, words will begin to emerge from that adorable little face.
I could go on for quite awhile with some hilarious stories -- but it's bedtime. So for now, please enjoy some fun pictures posted below.
Oh and by the way... GO GATORS!!!!!
So happy to hear your update! She is a little doll! BTW, my youngest has been a Gators fan since he was about two years old! No other Gators fans here (though as SEC supporters we were all rooting for them in this game and for Tebow too), but he wants to be an alligator hunter when he grows up (he is 6 now :). That is how he decided to be a Gators fan. He had on his Gators jersey when he came down for school on Friday BEFORE he knew what the final score was. I told him I was so proud of him for supporting his team no matter what. He was very excited though to hear they WON "the whole thing"! :)
So happy to see the new pics with Kylie @ home! Fills my heart with joy. She will pick up English SO quickly, you will be astonished! Look forward to future posts & will be praying for all of you as you continue to transition.
So glad I checked your blog for an update. Loved the pictures and what a blessing for Kylie to be adjusting well. She is such a beautiful little girl.
We leave two weeks from today! It still seems so far away. The days are dragging. Still praying for you all.
Cindy Linamen
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